Outright victory for Viola

OUTRIGHT VICTORY FOR VIOLA XVIIth Copa del Rey – de Barcos de Epoca – Minorca – 25-29 August 2021 Heading for Monaco The XVIIth Copa del Rey Vela Clàssica held in the Balearics has proved an excellent warm-up for the gaff cutter who will set sail in the next few days to participate in the 15th Monaco Classic […]
A century of tradition, innovation and competition

A CENTURY OF TRADITION 15e Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe If there is one landmark event in the classic yachting world it is Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe, a meeting where time slips by without a trace. This one-of-its-kind biennial yacht fest was launched 1994 and has established itself as one of […]
Respect for the original spirit

RESPECT FOR THE ORIGINAL SPIRIT 15th Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe – From 8-11 September 2021 A special feature of Monaco Classic Week is the coveted La Belle Classe Restoration Prize. For the 15th edition, a Jury comprising yachting history experts and chaired by the legendary Sir Robin Knox-Johnston will be inspecting all […]
Honouring living maritime heritage

HONOURING LIVING MARITIME HERITAGE 15th Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe – From 8-11 September 2021 Patrimoine A desire to pass on this passion by bringing maritime heritage to life are the bywords of the biennial Monaco Classic Week, launched in 1994 and which again is set to welcome an array of fabulous classic […]
Fife designs on the billing

FIFE DESIGNS ON THE BILING 15e édition de la Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe Tuiga (1909), the Yacht Club de Monaco’s flagship is looking forward to seeing The Lady Anne (1912) and Mariska (1908) again, all three are in the gaff cutter 15M IR class. They will be sailing among other Fife designs like […]
Small boat big reputation

SMALL BOAT BIG REPUTATION 15e édition de la Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe A fleet of entries in the 12’ Dinghy class designed by Georges Cockshott will again be billeted in the Principality. Single-handers, the dinghy became an international class in 1914 and Olympic class in 1920. Completing the scene will be around 30 […]
Period motor-yachts in the spotlight

PERIOD MOTOR-YACHTS IN THE SPOTLIGHT 15e édition de la Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe A number of period motor-yachts are also set to grace the scene including Lady Herta (1935) who will be showing off her lines alongside other famous yachts like SS Delphine, celebrating her 100th anniversary this year. Built in 1921 for […]
Back to their roots

BACK TO THEIR ROOTS 15th Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe From 8-11 September 2021 La Monaco Classic Week sera le théâtre de présentations d’ouvrages inédits à l’image de celui consacré à l’histoire de Puritan (1930) qui sera dévoilé par Tomas de Vargas Machuca, son armateur. Docteur en histoire, architecte naval et auteur primé, […]
Powerboat Meeting in the Albert I era

POWER BOAT MEETING IN THE ALBERT 1 AREA 15th Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe – From 8-11 September 2021 As part of Monaco Classic Week 2021, in partnership with the Comité Albert Ier-2022, Yacht Club de Monaco is preparing an exhibition of items from its collection relating to the powerboat meetings and competitions […]
Sir Robin Knox-Johnston returns to head Grand Jury

SIR ROBIN KNOX-JOHNSTON RETURNS TO HEAD GRAND JURY 15th Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe – from 8-11 September 2021 Knighted in 1995, voted Sailor of the Year four times in the United Kingdom, and Personnalité de la Mer at the 2013 Monaco Classic Week, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has confirmed he will be President […]