Monaco Classic Week

politique de confidentialité

privacy policy & cookies

We use cookies in order to offer you the best possible service, thanks to all the features available on the Internet. A cookie is a small text file transferred from a web server to your web browser or hard disk when you visit a website. These “cookies” enable us to record information relating to your computer’s browsing on our site (the pages you have visited, the date and time of your visit, etc.). The “cookie”, uniquely assigned to the recipient computer, is totally inactive and secure. Users can deactivate or refuse cookies by modifying their browser settings.

The personal data we may collect comes from three different sources:

– Data collected from customers (members)

– Data transmitted by third parties (partners or service providers)

– Data collected automatically

This data includes

Identity and civil status (title, civil status, surname, first name, marital status, etc.)
Address and contact details (e-mail address, postal address, cell phone number, etc.)
Education and professional background (qualifications, functions, etc.)
Financial data (credit card number, means of payment)
Consumption of goods and services, preferences and interests (transactions, date, place and amount of expenditure, activities, etc.)
Electronic identification data (customer identification number, IP address, location data, MAC address, etc.)
Time and location information (activity tracking, cookies, logs, geolocation, etc.)
Group and partner loyalty programs (membership number, etc.)
Customer-supplied health data (allergies, disabilities, etc.)

Your personal data is used by the Yacht Club de Monaco for the management and execution of the services offered to you, without which the Yacht Club de Monaco would not be able to execute or render the subscribed services.

This use primarily concerns the management of offers, the follow-up of services and, more generally, the entire commercial relationship between us (subscription to newsletters or collective communication media – MC Society, consultation of our channels, quotations, reservations, orders, subscriptions, loyalty accounts, etc.), wifi or home automation services, notices, surveys, informative and commercial communications via the communication channels that you may have specified for this purpose, as well as your contributions and publications on the Group’s accounts, on social media, on social networks, on social networks, etc.).

You may also make contributions and postings to the Group’s accounts, on social media or mentioning the Group’s hashtags, brands, events, places, offers, services, products, channels, etc.). (including via third parties).


YACHT CLUB DE MONACO may also use your data to evaluate and improve its services and to develop new ones, as well as to carry out loyalty-building, canvassing, survey and promotional activities. With your consent, you may receive offers from the YCM or its commercial partners communicated and/or indicated through all communication channels.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 and (Monegasque) Law No. 1.165 of December 23, 1993 as amended, you have the right to access, rectify, object to, delete, limit and port your personal data. You also have the right to specify what will happen to your personal data after your death. If you can prove your identity, you can exercise your rights by contacting the Data Protection Officer by e-mail at If, after contacting the Data Protection Officer, you feel that your rights have not been respected, you may lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés ( or with the Monegasque authority, the Commission de Contrôle des Informations Nominatives ( Data required by YCM for the purpose for which it was collected, to comply with a legal obligation and/or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims cannot be deleted.

  • Your personal data is stored in our databases located in Monaco or in those of our subcontractors for a period that complies with legal provisions or is proportional to the purposes for which it was recorded. In certain cases, and mainly for technical reasons, your data may be stored on servers located outside Monaco or the European Union.
    Depending on whether we have an ongoing contractual relationship with you (you are an active customer), have had a contractual relationship with you in the past (you are an inactive customer), or have never had such a relationship with you (you are a prospect), retention periods may vary.
    The data relating to your browsing of our online services collected by the cookies you have authorized has a specific retention period indicated in our cookie policy.
    The table below lists the main retention periods for your data.
    In any case, we regularly review the relevance of the information we hold. When its retention is no longer justified by commercial requirements or linked to the management of your customer account, or if you have exercised a right of modification or deletion, we will securely delete it (with the exception of data required to establish proof of a right or contract).

    Data categories :

    Civil status: Civility, surname, first name, date of birth, place of birth, address, zip code, city, country, nationality, passport or identity card number.
    Contact details: Email, telephone number, fax number
    Lifestyle: Room number, shoe size, contact preferences, contact language, tastes and preferences.
    Financial information: Bank details, subscription, payment method, payment method, card number.

YCM takes all necessary measures to protect the personal data it processes. Your data is processed electronically and/or manually and, in any event, its security, protection and confidentiality are ensured according to its level of sensitivity, by means of administrative, technical and physical measures designed to prevent loss, theft, unauthorized use, disclosure or modification. In the event of a breach of your personal data likely to result in a high risk to your rights and freedoms, YCM undertakes to inform you as soon as possible and to take all necessary measures to limit the risks associated with this breach. Whether your data is processed by YCM or by YCM’s subcontractors and partners, the same security and confidentiality requirements are applied to your personal data.

In particular, we have :

The appointment of a Data Protection Officer, Michael Gabrielian.
The creation of a dedicated information systems security unit;
Raising awareness of the need for confidentiality among our employees who may have access to your personal data;
Securing access to our premises and IT platforms;
Implementing a general IT security policy within the company;
Secure data access, sharing and transfer;
High standards of data protection during the selection process.

Your personal data is processed by YCM, its subcontractors and partners, in order to manage and execute the services you have requested or authorized.

Your data may also be transferred to third-party service providers who provide services or assistance and advice to YCM.

Upon request, data may also be transferred to persons and authorities whose right of access to personal data is recognized by law, regulations or provisions issued by authorities empowered by law. YCM’s subcontractors and partners may be located outside the European Union.

When these subcontractors or partners are located in a country that has not been recognized as ensuring an adequate level of protection, YCM requires them to comply with its requirements regarding the security and confidentiality of your personal data and to process your data only for the purposes that it has determined. These subcontractors and partners will have previously signed the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses.